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2 comments on we on

@cloud buck ah yeah i just noticed that, since i made this mix when 8tracks used soundcloud songs, now they don't and i guess they just change it?? thanks for letting me know!

What a successful mix. Sorry I probably ruined it when I burst out laughing when Don't Stop Me Now went HEY HEY HEEEEY and I couldn't help but imagine Bokuto singing that I mean please. Do forgive me, but wow this mix COULD I MAYBE ask you to tell me the original track list (as in not the randomly ordered thing because 8tracks) because I forgot to keep it noted and I really really would like to have it if possible aaaaahh again WHAT A GREAT MIX!!

@romachi !!! OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! yeS i was imagining him jamming out and just screamin the HEY HEY HEEEEY part !! i made a soundcloud playlist of it: (the only song it doesnt include is kill your heros, i couldnt find it on soundcloud)

@chihiiros AH YES THANK YOU!! Also I'm glad I didn't butcher your wonderful mix with that mental image hahaha (it's a glorious mental image, truth be told).
