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Bus Ride Serie: JULY


July. By far one of my favorite months in the year, my birthday is in this month hehe.
Every year I'm alwys the 1st one telling myself Happy Bday. This year tho was the 1st bday I didn't. Instead I said 'You've worked hard' and 'Please live healthly for once', 'Stop comparing yourself to other and look for your own happiness' 'study more and achive your true dreams'.
So I'm starting from scratch this month in all senses. If you have been feeling your life is a mess, take a breath and know that all you need is an instant of complete madness and courage to do things right and redirect your life. I can't promise you won't fail somewhere but trying is always better than staying miserable.

Might add more songs later.
Note:2 more playlist soon!/some of the tags are wrong not sure why

26 tracks
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