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Riot Grrrl: A History


"Riot Grrrl", coined by bands Bratmobile and Bikini Kill via the title of their first zine back in the early 90's, became the leading term for female equality in the punk rock scene of the 1990's.
This playlist is a brief chronological history showcasing the development and evolution of the Riot Grrrl music scene.

This is a gift for my Little Sister, Julia ! MLITB
(Art by Julia Scheele - http://juliascheele.tumblr.com/)

21 tracks
8 comments on Riot Grrrl: A History

S M A S H I N G mix, but there are way more rocking / feminist songs of PJs than 'down by the water'! (50 ft queenie, man-size, my beautiful leah, dress...) <3

@oil_and_ash Hey oil_and_ash! This is my mix under a fake name to surprise a friend :) I'm so thankful for the music recommend! Something about that PJ song really struck me while I was researching but I'm excited to look into the ones you've mentioned as well! Always room for more :)

@kljohn12 PJ is an amazingly striking artist and this is such a striking mix! Im listening through again and I'm getting my life. I appreciate the queer intsersections here--the riot grrrl movement was built on the backs of so many queer women who get forgotten in some historical reflections. you really ought to give PJ's "Rid of Me" a listen cover to cover <3
