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i'm gonna strangle the life outta this goddamn semester


you shouldn't be afraid of this semester. honestly, this semester should be afraid of you.


The eighth installment of "i'm fighting college to win" - even more fight and chase music from movies, tv shows, and games to prep you for the coming battle
dedicated to @SamuelLJackson for encouraging me to continue the series despite having actually won my fight against college! as long as people like these mixes, I'll keep making them.
***WARNING: sometimes the volume will change significantly between tracks. I can't fix this, so some transitions may be LOUD and startle you. This may be a feature or a bug, depending on how you see it.***


cover by Emma Carson (boo_radd -- instagram.com/p/BWhmy59jZJ0)

18 tracks
5 comments on i'm gonna strangle the life outta this goddamn semester

I've been surviving on your first three of this series - how did I not notice there was eight?! THANK YOU! This changes the game for third year of university.

Thank you so much for continuing to make these mixes, I struggle a lot with my ADHD trying to get assignments done (and a lot of it is research/statistic based because I was dumb enough to pursue a psychology degree), and these really help to get my inattentive arse into gear.
