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Indie rock ain't dead its just really good at hiding


A bunch of newish, less than popular or forgotten indie tracks to beat the indie crave. Most of the playlist is upbeat and happy, and some parts are super chill. Overall it really reminds me of summer ☼

45 tracks
47 comments on Indie rock ain't dead its just really good at hiding (View all)

Thank you so much for featuring our song Smells Like Summer on this playlist! If you like our music it would mean the world to us if yo would follow our social media. You can check out the rest of our music on Soundcloud (www.soundcloud.com/earlyhours). You can also follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/earlyhoursofficial) or Twitter (@earlyhoursband) and Instagram (@earlyhoursofficial). Thank you for the love. X
