3_ Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold t y t o 20 tracks | 1,240 111 | Stats Ramzoid Kuiters WRLD electronicfuture beatsbassupliftingconfident Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: t y t o
3 comments on t y t o
ClearlyCanadian July 21, 2017
this playlist is just... so good. jammed to it the whole time while cleaning the room. I love it!!
⃠nerdibird May 29, 2016
This is exactly what I needed today, thank you!!!!!
⃠sugoiibutts November 15, 2015
did you make a legend of the guardians reference oh my god
⃠3_ plus November 24, 2015
@sugoiibutts Haha, kind of? Technically I was referring to the genus for barn owl, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't familiar with how the Guardians series uses it... ;^)