Critical Role Season 2 amanda-l-10215 Length 26 playlists Updated May 09, 2018 playlists featuring critical role, mollymauk tealeaf, and the mighty nein music. Play all Share Edit Save Cancel Delete "I Am Molly" by OzmatheGreat "I Am Molly" by OzmatheGreat 163 26 8 tracks mollymauk tealeaf critical role the mighty nein Because I'm Weird by feistyphocion Because I'm Weird by feistyphocion 64 13 12 tracks critical role mollymauk tealeaf the mighty nein ⌈ rogues and vagabonds ⌋ by sunofapollo ⌈ rogues and vagabonds ⌋ by sunofapollo 293 68 20 tracks mighty nein the mighty nein critical role d&d instrumental Distraction and Misdirection by fandomfeminist Distraction and Misdirection by fandomfeminist 76 16 8 tracks mollymauk tealeaf critical role thanks for the memories by readytobebolder thanks for the memories by readytobebolder 200 46 14 tracks mollymauk tealeaf critical role campaign two taliesin jaffe mollymauk "Time for that later" by OzmatheGreat "Time for that later" by OzmatheGreat 227 41 10 tracks widomauk critical role caleb widogast mollymauk tealeaf widoleaf a direction we call our own by mermakishima a direction we call our own by mermakishima 94 22 15 tracks critical role mollymauk tealeaf mollymauk the life you needed by mermakishima the life you needed by mermakishima 129 22 11 tracks critical role mollymauk tealeaf mollymauk gem my whole heart by mermakishima my whole heart by mermakishima 56 24 12 tracks critical role mollymauk tealeaf mollymauk Crashing Down by Beholderess NSFW Crashing Down by Beholderess 30 8 11 tracks critical role the mighty nein mighty nein M.T by CoolerHope M.T by CoolerHope 56 13 8 tracks critical role mollymauk mighty nein The New Kids™ by gorogue The New Kids™ by gorogue 157 25 8 tracks critical role campaign 2 Spiritual Weapon by OzmatheGreat Spiritual Weapon by OzmatheGreat 98 10 8 tracks critical role the mighty nein jester Widogast by greendecember Widogast by greendecember 182 30 10 tracks critical role caleb widogast geek and sundry dnd dungeons and dragons Cobalt Blue by OzmatheGreat Cobalt Blue by OzmatheGreat 130 20 8 tracks critical role beauregard Tealeaf by greendecember Tealeaf by greendecember 186 22 10 tracks critical role mollymauk tealeaf geek and sundry dungeons and dragons Literal/Figurative Peacock by OzmatheGreat Literal/Figurative Peacock by OzmatheGreat 203 31 8 tracks mollymauk tealeaf critical role The Brave by OzmatheGreat The Brave by OzmatheGreat 149 26 8 tracks nott the brave critical role the mighty nein he's got no haven // he's got no home by mollymollymollymauk he's got no haven // he's got no home by mollymollymollymauk 361 76 16 tracks mollymauk mollymauk tealeaf critical role mighty nein We’re a Group, You Guys! by chellerrific We’re a Group, You Guys! by chellerrific 241 41 8 tracks critical role wildemount stand by me by misskaterinat NSFW stand by me by misskaterinat 207 38 17 tracks found family friends inspiration critical role guardians of the galaxy Caleb Widogast by OzmatheGreat Caleb Widogast by OzmatheGreat 225 33 8 tracks caleb widogast critical role The Mighty Nein by OzmatheGreat The Mighty Nein by OzmatheGreat 344 53 11 tracks critical role the mighty nein mighty nein geek and sundry dnd Mollymix by vivianesection NSFW Mollymix by vivianesection 192 39 14 tracks critical role mollymauk mollymauk tealeaf New Beginnings by greendecember New Beginnings by greendecember 308 39 8 tracks critical role jester beauregard dungeons and dragons dnd strawberry avalanche [a jester playlist] by ishimaru strawberry avalanche [a jester playlist] by ishimaru 287 29 10 tracks critical role jester pop happy