brittany_ohh Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? platinum Tailgates and Tan Lines 21 tracks | 73,858 4,454 | Stats Jake Owen Glen Templeton Oasis countrypartysummernew musicfeel-good Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Tailgates and Tan Lines
27 comments on Tailgates and Tan Lines (View all)
anon-58008845 September 25, 2015
Would you quit throwing shitty remixes on and calling them country?
⃠Ryan.Kucey May 16, 2014
REDRUMS RUIN THE SONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
⃠devon.mclane.14 May 10, 2014
listen to my mix
⃠Matt.Berny April 20, 2014
This mix is insanely good! Take a look at mine right here! One of my first mixes, hope you enjoy it!
⃠kayleigh1086 April 15, 2014
can you write down the song names
⃠kayleigh1086 April 15, 2014
i love it van
⃠claude.barrette.1 April 07, 2014
Killed it baby!
⃠devin09 April 07, 2014
Ur killing this song by adding rap.