calibritt Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold tears & maryjane 13 tracks | 7,264 254 | Stats Logic Drake Hu₵₵i sadchillsmokehip hophigh Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: tears & maryjane
3 comments on tears & maryjane
melomani-c August 19, 2015
Is that Darin? I swear it is
⃠sleepilys July 28, 2015
this playlist has me feeling some type of way
⃠calibritt August 03, 2015
@sleepilys hope you enjoyed, xoxo
⃠sami14rox July 26, 2015
⃠calibritt August 03, 2015
@sami14rox <333