“Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
This is a playlist I had to make for an AP project. Not all the songs mix great with each other but each song represents a different element of fiction.
1 exposition
2 inciting incident
3 rising action
4 climax
5 resolution
6 protagonist
7 antagonist
8 conflict
9 tone
10 theme
3 comments on my body is a cage
lilacisms November 29, 2015
holy shit i had to do this exact assignment lmao i wish i'd found this playlist earlier so i could just steal your songs but actually a lot of them are the same or at least by the same artists. spooky
⃠okaylisa October 11, 2015
love this very much:)
⃠anterrros August 03, 2015
wonderful playlist, i think it rly conveys the atmosphere of the book!!!!