Editing Music danielle-b-107131 Length 80 playlists Updated October 08, 2019 playlists featuring southern gothic, instrumental, and epic music. Play all Share Edit Save Cancel Delete gold This Ain't no War it's Extinction by Nu look This Ain't no War it's Extinction by Nu look 7257 291 15 tracks study epic soundtrack instrumental gold Iron Poetry by Nu look Iron Poetry by Nu look 3739 473 16 tracks epic instrumental soundtrack the cinematic orchestra writing gold Before the Fire by J'avais Before the Fire by J'avais 3832 245 11 tracks instrumental epic inspiring instrumental symphonic modern classical gold Together We Shall Ride by wanderingsteph Together We Shall Ride by wanderingsteph 11434 646 10 tracks battlefield instrumental study epic war Undetermined Attacks by Nu look Undetermined Attacks by Nu look 1033 91 11 tracks epic gaming epic score orchestral instrumental gold The Spookiest Halloween Party by backtopanic The Spookiest Halloween Party by backtopanic 2461 228 40 tracks halloween halloween party halloween music 2spooky southern gothic gold of witches and devils by strange ink of witches and devils by strange ink 2509 286 22 tracks witches devils witchcraft southern gothic Southern Gothic by robb92 Southern Gothic by robb92 665 79 30 tracks southern gothic gothic folk alt country dark Though I Walk Through the Valley by zfreelance Though I Walk Through the Valley by zfreelance 383 69 10 tracks creepy southern gothic alt country blues rock halloween gem One Kiss Away From Killing by Forest_Static One Kiss Away From Killing by Forest_Static 421 77 9 tracks southern gothic rock badass girl power female vocalists platinum LADIES' NIGHT AT THE VOODOUN BAR by foxdreams LADIES' NIGHT AT THE VOODOUN BAR by foxdreams 17026 1242 10 tracks voodoo southern gothic halloween spooky witchcraft gold she is a khaleesi by theworldoflights she is a khaleesi by theworldoflights 2422 184 10 tracks game of thrones asoiaf daenerys targaryen instrumental epic gold Conjure up a universe by galaxyjerk Conjure up a universe by galaxyjerk 2837 163 13 tracks celtic epic lord of the rings game of thrones fantasy gold daughters of the north // sansa & arya by adadzio daughters of the north // sansa & arya by adadzio 827 199 15 tracks game of thrones house stark sansa stark arya stark asoiaf gold When the sun rises in the west. by xforgottenpromisesx When the sun rises in the west. by xforgottenpromisesx 2607 185 30 tracks game of thrones instrumental study epic writing For the Girl Made of Steel by Amy D14 For the Girl Made of Steel by Amy D14 180 15 11 tracks sansa stark game of thrones modern au asoiaf au got Song Of The Lioness by geek_bait Song Of The Lioness by geek_bait 130 11 15 tracks tamora pierce fanmix writing writing playlist books Here be dragons! by tinysloth Here be dragons! by tinysloth 1885 98 22 tracks world of warcraft soundtrack game of thrones the elder scrolls lord of the rings gold the best of fandoms [instrumental] by TodoTama the best of fandoms [instrumental] by TodoTama 2369 241 19 tracks soundtrack instrumental lotr doctor who fandoms oh, death by vulcandroid oh, death by vulcandroid 887 83 8 tracks death obviously this mix is about death i don't know how else to tag it i. hiraeth [a.s.] by -silvercheshire NSFW i. hiraeth [a.s.] by -silvercheshire 498 71 10 tracks emily kinney ruelle arya stark game of thrones house stark Invicta by Madame Poe Invicta by Madame Poe 763 63 20 tracks war epic writing study fantasy She's A Pretty Little P s y c h o by 18thCenturyCrossroads She's A Pretty Little P s y c h o by 18thCenturyCrossroads 370 85 12 tracks badass powerful women badass ladies spies spy Greeting the Menace. by warrhetoric Greeting the Menace. by warrhetoric 308 21 15 tracks badass rock workout fight aggressive Demolition Woman. by reinexx Demolition Woman. by reinexx 571 48 16 tracks supernatural hunter badass heroine adventure gold the only thing you'll taste is my fist by amberaven NSFW the only thing you'll taste is my fist by amberaven 13497 869 24 tracks girl power misandry badass femme fatale gold Hell In High Heels by huffle Hell In High Heels by huffle 2213 232 22 tracks strong female characters femme fatale assassins badass gold Hell on heels by chrisxtie Hell on heels by chrisxtie 1103 132 30 tracks female vocalists femme fatale dark southern gothic badass There's a Bad Moon on the rise... by NephelePaintsTheRain There's a Bad Moon on the rise... by NephelePaintsTheRain 1056 94 18 tracks bad evil villain badass gold run boy run by witchings run boy run by witchings 1760 154 12 tracks witches queens indie southern gothic badass gold b a d b i t c h by lilbabybean b a d b i t c h by lilbabybean 5337 109 14 tracks bad bitch badass party feminism fuck you Songs that make you feel badass while walking down the street by carleestaples Songs that make you feel badass while walking down the street by carleestaples 277 15 17 tracks badass punkrock #poppunk blink182 all time low gold Fucking Fight Me by QFiction NSFW Fucking Fight Me by QFiction 9452 828 16 tracks badass angry rock fight me gold Zombies, Sweat, and Blood by pokemonhunter6 Zombies, Sweat, and Blood by pokemonhunter6 3621 295 15 tracks zombies zombie apocalypse apocalypse badass are things still burning? by Pheister are things still burning? by Pheister 82 18 15 tracks dark fairytale medieval au All is blacked out by HyperionStooge All is blacked out by HyperionStooge 311 38 19 tracks dark writing iamx son lux the brothers bright gold Vampires, Werewolves and Liars by AnnaKath18 Vampires, Werewolves and Liars by AnnaKath18 1075 151 19 tracks dark ambient the originals night vampires werewolves better you should pray by summerwoodsmoke better you should pray by summerwoodsmoke 851 90 12 tracks witches dark sisters the iron omens the dark queen ; by Dramione_Winterfell the dark queen ; by Dramione_Winterfell 87 19 16 tracks dark queen icarus princess fantasy my book aegis. by truehumandisaster aegis. by truehumandisaster 26 3 12 tracks royalty crusaders fantasy from my novel gold We're All That's Left by Nu look We're All That's Left by Nu look 8706 656 77 tracks epic soundtracks instrumental upbeat video game gold can you picture the scene? by tyrionlannister can you picture the scene? by tyrionlannister 3421 211 16 tracks instrumental soundtrack films movie soundtrack ost gold Bubblegum Bitch ♡ by SimplyArielle Bubblegum Bitch ♡ by SimplyArielle 4705 162 12 tracks boss bitch beyonce badass bad bitch girl power "So, maybe I am the villain of the story..." by chaoticsoliloquies "So, maybe I am the villain of the story..." by chaoticsoliloquies 163 35 8 tracks assassin femme fatale original character writing character study gold WHO RUN THE WORLD by simplysounds WHO RUN THE WORLD by simplysounds 9290 440 19 tracks girl power pop girl badass women fifthharmony gold In For The Kill by QueerQueen NSFW In For The Kill by QueerQueen 1346 108 23 tracks badass badass ladies badass women feeling badass Rebel! Rise Up! by tasha.noble Rebel! Rise Up! by tasha.noble 53 8 32 tracks badass badass women rebel revolution gold BADASS ATTITUDE PLAYLIST by bloodymischa BADASS ATTITUDE PLAYLIST by bloodymischa 4544 425 13 tracks badass women women strong women girl power badass ladies gold Legends Never Die by sith happens NSFW Legends Never Die by sith happens 950 225 17 tracks femme fatale assassin badass women Leave your boots on by SeljePW Leave your boots on by SeljePW 106 22 24 tracks badass badass women sexy confidence feminist Shadows In A Dress by ahostofsorrows Shadows In A Dress by ahostofsorrows 192 15 16 tracks dark badass women love and hate noir rp playlist gold The Mark Of Cain by beesof1895 The Mark Of Cain by beesof1895 2075 235 11 tracks supernatural demon dean dean winchester the mark of cain gold DARK IN MY IMAGINATION by theactualmermaid DARK IN MY IMAGINATION by theactualmermaid 1336 212 15 tracks supernatural supernatural fanmix dean winchester demon!dean spn Love, Persephone by Maisilje Love, Persephone by Maisilje 482 74 12 tracks karmina depression recovery hades/persephone persephone The Chosen by MissEmmalie The Chosen by MissEmmalie 763 63 11 tracks vampires vampire hunters fiction fighter monster hunters gold I'm Like A Titan That's Rising by Birdie McGrew NSFW I'm Like A Titan That's Rising by Birdie McGrew 908 137 20 tracks writing sam tinnesz epic war The Church of Night by gothamcryptid The Church of Night by gothamcryptid 270 60 15 tracks caos sabrina spellman the chilling adventures of sabrina witches dark gold If I look back I am lost by dunwall If I look back I am lost by dunwall 967 130 14 tracks assassins creed black flag edward kenway that girl is a problem by seawitches that girl is a problem by seawitches 447 19 8 tracks female sex money power She’s coming like a hurricane by Revadac She’s coming like a hurricane by Revadac 387 77 9 tracks villain bad bitch female power killer Burn You To The Ground by Prizrak_Koroleva Burn You To The Ground by Prizrak_Koroleva 185 41 8 tracks revenge fantasy female vocalists femme fatale witch aesthetic female power She is the boss: a girl-power mix. by patrckstump She is the boss: a girl-power mix. by patrckstump 116 8 9 tracks female girl power female power Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere by Emelyne Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere by Emelyne 263 46 14 tracks female rappers female rap female power rap rap/hip-hop gold Bitchcraft by venusinfleur Bitchcraft by venusinfleur 1515 132 9 tracks witch witchcraft witches halloween female power power go by rxo194 power go by rxo194 397 54 9 tracks female power hard gold Femme Fatale by badasspoet NSFW Femme Fatale by badasspoet 1196 211 19 tracks badass femme fatale girls sexy workout platinum woman? is that meant to insult me? by palmviolet woman? is that meant to insult me? by palmviolet 18348 1570 19 tracks feminism badass bad girls female empowerment bad bitch gold At the Bottom of the River by maryholiday At the Bottom of the River by maryholiday 2812 315 33 tracks southern gothic swamp rock gothic southern gothic swamp folk gothic rock gem cull the herd; by delsinrowe cull the herd; by delsinrowe 423 42 10 tracks jacob seed far cry 5 far cry video games platinum Pirates, Avengers, and Wizards, Oh My. by bringitdownalive Pirates, Avengers, and Wizards, Oh My. by bringitdownalive 32527 2314 16 tracks film score film score movies soundtrack Scores: Film Collection I by heyhowhatitsclauds Scores: Film Collection I by heyhowhatitsclauds 527 31 13 tracks score film movies instrumental gold Into Battle by TheImaginaryGirl Into Battle by TheImaginaryGirl 2735 291 31 tracks epic study instrumental writing soundtrack Ares by shadowhunterradio Ares by shadowhunterradio 77 10 17 tracks greek mythology ares fantasy instrumental Dark the Oceans by alisonswans NSFW Dark the Oceans by alisonswans 779 58 10 tracks pirates sailors instrumentals pirate queens writing inspiration gold A Dawn Will Come by PeachyKei A Dawn Will Come by PeachyKei 1500 148 24 tracks fantasy writing instrumental study fighting Wonders by ofscarvesandstew Wonders by ofscarvesandstew 138 6 19 tracks harry potter score john williams tgwcf wonders gold Epic: The Princess by koolia Epic: The Princess by koolia 2236 208 12 tracks soundtrack instrumental writing fantasy princess gold The Journey of the Sidekick by simonecpereira The Journey of the Sidekick by simonecpereira 1262 208 8 tracks adventure friendship fantasy harry potter instrumental He's A Pirate by lunatama He's A Pirate by lunatama 945 44 15 tracks pirate nautical epic A Dance with Davy Jones by katekerrfusion A Dance with Davy Jones by katekerrfusion 518 41 11 tracks pirates study instrumental