DarksStars Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? Vocaloid Oldies 48 tracks | 1,140 77 | Stats VOCALOID Voca 黒うさ vocaloidjpopanimejapanmiku Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Vocaloid Oldies
4 comments on Vocaloid Oldies
destructivedanish-102 March 16, 2015
i've always immagined that i was the real life version of meiko
⃠destructivedanish-102 March 02, 2015
i've always immagined that i was the real life version of meiko
⃠belbel2015 January 28, 2015
YESSSSSSS i was looking for just miku and stuff like vocaloid and yea so this helped me a lot thankssss (^3^) <3
⃠dash425 September 02, 2014
I like this one there are so many I didn't know
⃠DarksStars September 02, 2014
@dash425 Thank you! I'm glad I could make you discover songs that you didn't know about before. I got most of those songs around 2009, so a lot of them are from before that