Deathinteresse Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? Imminent Demise 9 tracks | 452 47 | Stats Botch Jesu Sunn O))) hydra headexperimentalnoisedoomfeedback Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Imminent Demise
8 comments on Imminent Demise
Daimon November 07, 2012
Great mix and music taste! Learned a couple of good bands, and some tracks are classic.
⃠tibpson September 23, 2012
Great tribute!
⃠Deathinteresse btrxz September 24, 2012
⃠cactusdoink btrxz September 22, 2012
What a powerful mix to kick off a Saturday. Thanks!
⃠Deathinteresse btrxz September 24, 2012
Glad you liked it...very much welcome.
⃠kentgowran investor September 22, 2012
Great stuff here. Massive bummer about the impending demise of Hydra Head. Still, they lasted a long time and put out a lot of essential albums.
⃠Deathinteresse btrxz September 24, 2012
They sure did. I was quite amazed when I went through the back catalogue.
⃠cactusdoink btrxz September 22, 2012
I ain't ready for this yet.
⃠cactusdoink btrxz September 22, 2012
I am now, though.
⃠Deathinteresse btrxz September 24, 2012
I was gonna say...hell yes, you are!
⃠Btrxz btrxz September 21, 2012
You are just to much man for me I feel like the real pussy here!!
⃠Deathinteresse btrxz September 24, 2012
My research was wanna get ready
⃠Btrxz btrxz September 24, 2012
⃠ErrorMalfunction btrxz September 21, 2012
Starting right off with a star. This is gonna be fucking RAD!
⃠bruce_e_k September 21, 2012
Seeing SunnO))) perform the Grimmrobe demos, what a treat that was. I really wish Roadburn does a tribute stage for HH
⃠Deathinteresse btrxz September 21, 2012
I hope I'll make it to Roadburn next year...for a start!
⃠Btrxz btrxz September 21, 2012
I wish I was with you both!