dibidibidis Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? with my hands on two and ten 11 tracks | 194 31 | Stats Grimes Kimbra Chet Faker exofanmix Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: with my hands on two and ten
3 comments on with my hands on two and ten
mintteok March 04, 2015
this is gr8 <333
⃠clararoque February 22, 2015
love it. It really remind me of them, it's kind of weird, Why didn't you put Kris though?
⃠dibidibidis February 22, 2015
@clararoque hi ty! i included kris in my previous exo mix :-)
⃠swishylaydeh February 13, 2015
I laughed at 'cry baby' for Tao, a great little mix
⃠dibidibidis February 13, 2015
@swishylaydeh ty! happy you caught it aha