20 comments on desert sand traveling east by discount

I am young and weak, a victim of depression. I comfort myself knowing that there are people who love and forgive like I do all the time. You're right about online debates, I forget I'm on the internet sometimes. sheesh look at all this ruckus I made. I'm not deleting anything, I was arguing with myself anyway.

there was no way I was gonna get into the whole roma debate online! lol -
I won't be offended if you wanna delete these - you have the option!

No taking of your own life man! This was the most interesting exchange I've had on this site!
Basically I've grouped together a lot of different music which may have some common strain or simply convey similar something to me while knowing very little about much of it...the idea wasn't to generalize at all but maybe it seemed that way to you. I'm always interested to learn more about where music comes from and its context.

man i'm really sorry I would ask you to delete all these comments, but i think it would be better off if you leave them so everytime someone comes to this mix that person will see my incompetence in following the virtues of life making me feel shameful of myself. I should be taking my life on this very spot, that would be an action worthy of a truly disciplined and fearless man. I'm losing my head, cigarette

pfffffffffffff. This is a perfect example of my music - stuff I got somewhere but know very little about.
next time I'll just call it WORLD MUSIC from a dude in brooklyn.

altough I shouldn't be so hateful, we are not a very evolved country, still industrial, still in a lot of debt, low economy, education, health and what not, intolerance just makes it worse

I'm not saying it's something I worry about much. I sometimes get sick seeing gipsies in other countries commiting crimes and than confused with romanians because the guy speaks it and says so

your description of Roma music sounds like gangsta rap to me.
would you believe it's very similar? gipsies here are considered unwelcomed visitors in our country so they're treated discriminatory, thus there are seldom acts of racism and civil conflicts. They don't like it so they do what comes instinctive and naturally: they fight back Unlike gangsters, these gipsies don't have education because they're poor. Most of them anyway. The lucky ones leave to other countries where they mysteriously make lots of money, and come back here and have a very rich life. Again an aspect most of us don't like. Plus they make crappy music and throw money like it's toilet paper.

listening to your most recent mix first (liking it), then I'll check the above.
Also, your description of Roma music sounds like gangsta rap to me.

not a hint of romanian music in here, not even that "even a little bit close" hint. We don't have desert sands either, there's just a strap of sea sand on the seashore, which has nothing to do with the east sands. We do have indian gipsies that sing some sort of turkish, greece indian combination that has become a trend in our country, but has absolutely nothing to do with romania or romanians. I find their music shameful and a horror to everything that means art. Their lyrics are about how they brag of how much money and women they have and their gipsy palaces and how they have power and threaten their bethren with violence, all of these in a very repetitive, idiotic and redundant proof of analphabetism in our minorities. I am deeply ashamed by what I hear here, but you either haven't been to romania, or were strongly misguided. I hope this reaches you, you can delete it after you read it. It's just informative, you can do what you wish.
