djcwah Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold Dried Out Summer Funky Mix 16 tracks | 1,801 119 | Stats John Foxx Kartell Gramatik funkglitch hopremixfunkysummer Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Dried Out Summer Funky Mix
7 comments on Dried Out Summer Funky Mix
vonlog August 29, 2012
The ones which say "Original Mix" are yours? where can i get them? i really liked them
⃠djcwah August 29, 2012
Should all be available on Beatport!
⃠vonlog August 29, 2012
thanks! do you have an specific link or profile? or i jus search for them as the name appears on the playlist?
⃠djcwah August 29, 2012
Ah, those aren't my productions...I wish! You'll just have to search for the individual tracks, I think.
⃠vonlog August 29, 2012
Oh i see, cool playlist anyways and thanks!
⃠vonlog August 23, 2012
Delicia amigo! Deeelicia!
⃠icemixx August 16, 2012
More funky beats, please? :)
⃠Dan_meier August 13, 2012
Solid mix, groovy beats and beautiful driving bass make this one funky jam. Perfect way to end the hottest summer on record. Bumpin' this in my garage, sipping
⃠djcwah August 10, 2012
Appreciate the positive feedback on this one. More to come!
⃠djcwah August 06, 2012
Agreed. Thanks!
⃠mrstitch August 05, 2012
gramatik are the shit nice mix bro