Effie Trinket Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold codependent losers 8 tracks | 1,378 137 | Stats Toy-Box Studio Killers Best Coast it's always sunny in philadelphiamacdennisfanmixthis is like 50% serious and 50% joke Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: codependent losers
3 comments on codependent losers
warlord camp June 21, 2014
this is brilliant! jenny & lies especially, they felt incredibly in character to me!
⃠frozen.toquito December 08, 2013
I like this a great deal
⃠charlesmacaulay December 01, 2013
this is like liquid perfection oh my gods what a wonderful <3
⃠Effie Trinket December 09, 2013
thank you!!