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geltona, žalia, raudona


my favourite songs from the country which language I study - Lithuania

I guess this mix is rather ridiculus and useless, who cares anyway

8 tracks
4 comments on geltona, žalia, raudona

I'm Lithuanian and I haven't heard any of these songs before ,wonderful playlist it's one of my favs now ! ❤

I love the Lithuanian language! There's something about it...it's so strong and tough and yet it's still beautiful. I can't really explain it. I really want to learn Lithuanian. Lithuania is my favourite country (strange, I know) but I can't help but love it.

This is a wonderful mix!

Eglės Sirvydytės daina mano namai nuostabi‼ Patarčiau paklausyti jos ir domanto razlausko dainuojamos dainos - apie tai.Klausosi dar geriau‼
