ethreality Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? platinum ✖ rated r ✖ 43 tracks | 40,514 2,915 | Stats 가인 A miss A kpopkorean popgirl groupssexyfeminism Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: ✖ rated r ✖
42 comments on ✖ rated r ✖ (View all)
somnomania August 15, 2017
I'd love a track list for this, so I can attempt to find some of my favorites elsewhere online, now that 8tracks is garbage.
⃠xLuxxed October 23, 2016
Just in case anyone was wondering, the saxaphone song is Still I Love You by Candy Dulfer. I'm in love with it♥
⃠taoben September 25, 2016
track 9 is not 2ne1, its saxaphone music.
⃠wooshinxiao April 26, 2016
Whose the group on the main cover ?
⃠akinore May 02, 2016
@wooshinxiao It's from Stellar's 'Mask'
⃠hotpinked January 21, 2016
this fanmix goes so hard i'm crying
⃠pastelbaek September 29, 2015
i'll be playing this on repeat! love the variety!
⃠sonelf August 26, 2015
this is probably my favourite mix on 8tracks!!
⃠jazminxo June 03, 2015
Very catchy and upbeat!! looooveee