The truth hurts, so if you're close-minded or just easily offended, feel free to skip this playlist - no hard feelings. No rappers rhyming about girls, cash, cars, and clothes. No cowboys talking about trucks and beer. No boy and girl bands singing about..well..nothing, I guess.
This mix is...different. Chaplin, De Grasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, Will Smith, and Joe Rogan (yes, the Fear Factor guy). These are the true artists of the world that we should be listening to.
45 comments on Reality Check (View all)
M. Talha Siddique Mir April 06, 2015
Well, I agree with you to an extent but come on ! Keep faith that there are still some good music still being made.
⃠ERVINC54 February 11, 2015
Listening to this playlist has given me so much inspiration! It has truly given me more fuel to keep pushing towards my dream and given me a better perspective as to how significant we all are; that we all have greatness within us we just have to find it and believe in it (ourselves) and the universe will take care the rest!
⃠FS Validus June 20, 2014
Very good playlist.. David Icke is off his rocker though haha
⃠kollege girl October 16, 2013
inspiration overload..... thanks for the awesome mix!
⃠ July 04, 2013
What is the music during the start of the How bad do you want it track?
⃠matthew.wade.102 June 07, 2013
Very cool mix, love the joe rogan tracks. Powerful Joe Rogan
⃠sifisodivi April 08, 2013
this is really good
⃠ranialamouri March 28, 2013
this is so inspiring