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낯선도시 (Strange City)


"I wish I could still call you 'home'."

I'm about a month into my first year of college, and I'm at this strange limbo where I don't know whether to call this place or my house across the country "home." I do like it here, but I also find it strange, like I don't really belong yet. I guess this playlist is dedicated to the nights where I forget that I'm in a city in New York, to the nights where everything around me seems foreign.

13 tracks
6 comments on 낯선도시 (Strange City)

This is a lovely playlist ♥ I think your story made me enjoy it even more. Takes me back to the time when I moved to another city, too. But I grew to love that new place, and I hope you will too :)

keep replaying this playlist these days, i'm currently feeling this also. I'm still trying to adapt and fit in on the society. Being far from home is making you homesick sometimes. but as time goes by, you will call that place your second home :)
