G3TT1NG N2U Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold Old School Smoke 20 tracks | 4,300 338 | Stats Dr. Dre Dramacydal Cypress Hill rapweedstonersmokechill Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Old School Smoke
8 comments on Old School Smoke
LunaJune July 20, 2016
So damn good! High or not, I fucking dig this playlist. Thanks.
⃠Yanja March 29, 2013
⃠G3TT1NG N2U May 18, 2013
always show love for the classics
⃠jake.lines.9 December 04, 2012
⃠G3TT1NG N2U December 06, 2012
My obliged my good man
⃠hightimes_noypi91 September 13, 2012
oldies but goodies men, listen to my reggae weed ghetto playlist too...
⃠G3TT1NG N2U September 14, 2012
I will do that!
⃠Zack_dragic August 31, 2012
sexcellent, succulent butter-cups.
⃠G3TT1NG N2U September 05, 2012
Thank you kindly sir!
⃠k1ngkr0nik July 23, 2012
whatta guy, mane i heard these mixes before i even made an account i know whats up i took these into consideration
⃠G3TT1NG N2U July 24, 2012
I'm flattered lol
⃠kelbel89 July 01, 2012
so gooood
⃠G3TT1NG N2U July 02, 2012
My pleasure! Yano I have friends and family in Ohio...I'll have to hit you up sometime
⃠shugun June 30, 2012
You claim this mix is for smokin'...however, I almost choked on smoke multiple times during this mix trying to sing along with this awesome set of classics! lol great mix :)
⃠G3TT1NG N2U June 30, 2012
Haha! Had me worried there. Glad you liked it my man