gamble Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? diamond How does anger exist when there is music like this? 8 tracks | 141,409 12,445 | Stats Rusted Root Noah and the Whale CAKE happysummerchilleasy listening Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: How does anger exist when there is music like this?
456 comments on How does anger exist when there is music like this? (View all)
Jon7amo June 29, 2015
Great playlist you have here!
⃠anon-10206607396001380 May 12, 2015
I thought for sure this was a David Byrne piece. LIve and learn.
⃠mellynicole April 29, 2015
how do you not dance along in happiness?
⃠rnstearns April 09, 2015
So many of my faces here. Thanks for the pick me up.
⃠leemor.h April 08, 2015
not bad...
⃠athenacf9 April 06, 2015
This is amazing ⃠
hoompa February 17, 2015
was having a terrible, terrible day before i stumbled upon this. thanks.
⃠heatherrwhitmore February 06, 2015