ghoulnextdoor Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? party's over 13 tracks | 500 40 | Stats Placebo Gus Trespassers William coversgothacoustic80s90s Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: party's over
5 comments on party's over
jmelkw plus September 17, 2015
i love this playlist, every time I listen to it, another song leaps out at me as absolutely perfect
⃠ghoulnextdoor plus September 17, 2015
@jmelkw Thanks for the kind words! So glad that you are enjoying it.
⃠rcrisp June 23, 2015
Fantastic playlist. Thanks for sharing it.
⃠dj_dim-mak btrxz June 17, 2015
beautiful cover of don't fear the reaper!!
⃠dj_dim-mak btrxz June 17, 2015
wow, so many gorgeous covers!
⃠rustedspoons June 07, 2015
this is so gorgeous!
⃠micronaut June 04, 2015
so inspiring! a splendid collection of covers... kudos.