goffie Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold laughy sapphy 11 tracks | 4,545 523 | Stats Cyberbully Mom Club Girlpool SALES steven universeruby and sapphirelo figarnet Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: laughy sapphy
12 comments on laughy sapphy (View all)
doomqueen August 20, 2020
been listening to this since summer 2015 ⃠
teratt July 31, 2017
my new favorite playlist QwQ
⃠kingofspace June 30, 2016
this is one of my favorite mixes of all time esp since introduced me to my favorite band
⃠goffie July 03, 2016
@kingofspace is it sales? please tell me it's sales. im the priest of the cult of sales
⃠neptunie January 16, 2016
⃠goffie January 16, 2016
@neptunie sales is just so good man, just so good
⃠lazygurl8yourmusic October 28, 2015
yesssssss i love lofi and rupphire omg this is perfect ty
⃠tiana_420 September 13, 2015
Amazing playlist! I've been addicted to this one lol
⃠realdizzy August 26, 2015
THESE ARE ALL SO CUUUUTE! And oh my gosh, thank you so much for introducing me to SALES.
⃠ummelizabeth August 19, 2015
this is such a good playlist!!!! i dont know why i havent watched steven universe yet
⃠goffie August 19, 2015
@ummelizabeth watch it or i'll fight u irl