gonewithtime Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? eyes roll back 11 tracks | 767 96 | Stats Justice Hatsune Miku The Queenstons gurohate sexhate-loveelectricvocaloid Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: eyes roll back
2 comments on eyes roll back
Isissa July 21, 2015
May I post this mix to tumblr? Full credit will go to you!
⃠gonewithtime July 21, 2015
@Isissa Please just reblog this post: http://mechanizations.tumblr.com/post/122890213702/eyes-roll-back-a-guro-love-playlist-stress
⃠natsyme July 20, 2015
⃠gonewithtime July 21, 2015
@reensou Thank you ahhh!