h e r o e s Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? Highgarden || A House Tyrell Playlist 7 tracks | 556 61 | Stats Faun Omnia Stellamara house tyrellmargaery tyrellasoiafpagan folkceltic Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Highgarden || A House Tyrell Playlist
3 comments on Highgarden || A House Tyrell Playlist
sophfitzos January 22, 2016
this mix is absolutely amazing!! do you have a tumblr link for it? :DD
⃠h e r o e s January 23, 2016
@sophfitzos No, I'm afraid not. Thank you though. xx
⃠athenian April 24, 2014
This mix is sooooo good. Listening to it, I can just imagine all of the music being played at Highgarden and the mood suits the relaxed yet somehow mystical ambition of the Tyrells so well!
⃠h e r o e s May 09, 2014
Ah, thank you for the kind words. c:
⃠meganohnoes April 13, 2014
Love it