...and i got what i deserved.
A soft, mournful playlist for two minds who were never truly meant to be, and the boy who destroyed half of himself in order to rise.
(Hello all! This is my first playlist, and I really hope you enjoy it!)
Cover art credit, used with permission: (
2 comments on the gods of justice spoke
NikiF96 June 18, 2016
You put all my favorite artists in here. I hope you know it's on repeat.
⃠NikiF96 June 18, 2016
And it's my OTP. Didn't know people actually liked SIgur Ros and Radical Face in the real world.
⃠NikiF96 May 23, 2016
Beautiful. Stunning.
⃠Himbit May 25, 2016
@NikiF96 Thank you so much!