213 comments on You're Still A Weeaboo by hooguu

How the hell is it that we ALL listened to the same stuff during our weeaboo phase *inward cringing* Confession time: I still have some of this on my ipod... though usually I skip it lol.

Seriously, though, thanks for the trip down memory lane!

This was me at thirteen.
Holy shit I'm having some serious flashbacks right now.
(Time to send this to all my weeaboo friends)

I made an account just to curl up in embarrassment with all the other commentators here.

Now to cry and listen to this all day //sobs

Omg, of course! Your covers are probably my biggest dub inspirations! You're the one who got me into Kagerou Project (you asshole you I cry a lot). Thank you so much for all your hard work!
We all have our caramel secrets, oh-wa-ohwa-ah.
