huntercox Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold Mr Robot - Code Focus 20 tracks | 825 135 | Stats Mr. Robot C.U.T.S Bonobo codingprogrammingmr. robotfocushacking Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Mr Robot - Code Focus
4 comments on Mr Robot - Code Focus
azyellow March 28, 2017
please add a download link or something! this is epic stuff!
⃠durandarthur08 June 11, 2016
DevRobot2016_CodeFocus = print("NOICE PLAYLIST M9")
⃠huntercox August 11, 2016
@durandarthur08 I changed the title so more people could find it with searches.. But thanks a ton!
⃠doctorrobert staff May 14, 2016
great mix, thanks!
⃠moo28 May 11, 2016
I was looking for something like this, it's perfect!