God had already done everything necessary so that we could be free from our brokenness and sins and walk victoriously with Him.
No words can express the gratefulness I have for His overwhelming grace, for Jesus' all-sufficient sacrifice, for the unquenchable sustaining fire of the Holy Spirit.
It is such an extravagant love that God has lavished. The only thing I could do is to praise the Lord of my life in my own authentic way, always.
9 comments on "It is finished." (View all)
smilinthyme December 07, 2015
I love this list
⃠oldcamelknees March 16, 2015
grace <3
⃠ryanconnor3 March 04, 2015
This playlist is bringing me to tears, thank you.
⃠brittin.oak March 01, 2015
I must thank you for both your awesome playlist, and introducing me to Strahan! Instant fan.
⃠lynnrhee February 24, 2015
Wow. PTL, He really used this mix to speak to me specifically with each and every song in the exact original order that they are placed in. It's crazy and I'm mindblown. Thank you!
⃠i-am-His music blog February 24, 2015
@lynnrhee That's quite powerful and encouraging :) Thanks for sharing.God bless you richly!
⃠taa.dixon January 29, 2015
beautiful playlist! thank you!!
⃠kenyanczar January 24, 2015
Beautiful playlist. Fragile + Honest
⃠bluexpace January 23, 2015
This playlist is perfect!!! Thank you :)