Inglorious Bast'Art Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold Guitare Espagnole 20 tracks | 7,891 477 | Stats Oscar Lopez Pedro Javier Gonzalez Paco de Lucía guitareespagneinglorious bast'art Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Guitare Espagnole
5 comments on Guitare Espagnole
tolda November 26, 2014
wowza! so warm, so perfect for a cold night in the yukon with the fire roaring!
⃠Isawa_Naizen August 19, 2014
So great I can hardly believe it!! And the peternera song... the best!!
⃠mikeydews May 26, 2014
I feel free
⃠626696936 March 31, 2014
⃠ben.tam.9 March 21, 2014
Fucking Fantastic!