innocuousbox Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? Jumpin Jack Flash: A Mix For You! 21 tracks | 98 13 | Stats Ananda Shankar Queen La De Das spacevintageeclecticrock n rollsoul Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Jumpin Jack Flash: A Mix For You!
1 comment on Jumpin Jack Flash: A Mix For You!
christie.smith.792 January 13, 2017
This is amazing. Do you have a track list?
⃠innocuousbox January 30, 2017
@christie.smith.792 Omg it's so hard to post things in 8tracks' comment system. Here's a link. :) And thanks, I'm glad you like it!
⃠christie.smith.792 January 30, 2017
@innocuousbox Thanks! Honestly your playlists are so good it's the only reason I'm considering paying money for 8tracks, haha...
⃠innocuousbox May 10, 2017
@christie.smith.792 I realize I'm like 5 months late on this, but this is such a nice compliment and it means a lot. Thank you! I'll have more playlists coming soon!