Hey! Music from indie games is really cool.
Mix include tracks from games like: Super Meat Boy, Bastion, Trine 2 and more. I also included one track from the 'Indie Game: The Movie' as a bonus.
If you like it make sure to buy full albums and support those artists.
vol. 2:
1 comment on indie games and music vol. 1
Not Crazy September 17, 2012
Great mix, thx :)
⃠jakubkoziol October 07, 2012
Hey, thanks :)
⃠And BTW vol. 2 is already up!
TcupTempest August 03, 2015
@jakubkoziol Did you take vol. 2 down? Sad face.
⃠jakubkoziol August 03, 2015
@TcupTempest For some reason it got tuned of automatically and two tracks got removed from it. Thanks for letting me know! I'll try to fix it soon and also I should probably post the long overdue vol. 3.