27 comments on Music of Wisdom [Part 1] by Jar.X[42]

it's 2:34 AM and it's gettin tough in school but this playlist is so good :) masada9tech ki chouft eli enti min tunis. Bel7a9 3amelt a double take at my screen 9olt ye5i fema twensa ya3mlou des playlists 3al 8tracks?? esma3 ya sidi! anyways, ya3tik el sa7a. inchallah tchouf el message :)

@elloumi-228 haha, 7atena bhite!, t'est le premier tunisien qui commente ici!, 7ata inti ka3ba rare zeda. Heureux de te voir ici! etwensa partout apparement! :)

Great Mix. On "Wear Sunscreen", he said "Keep your old love letters, and destroy your old bank statements".

