jasfadxo Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold creepy vintage soundtrack 10 tracks | 3,376 590 | Stats Patience & Prudence Annette Hanshaw The Chordettes 50screepyhorrorhalloweenstrange Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: creepy vintage soundtrack
10 comments on creepy vintage soundtrack (View all)
emellyy August 11, 2016
love it
⃠bbytokyo January 07, 2016
I listen to this playlist 24/7. I want this music to come back so bad. love it!
⃠Semeli1 October 18, 2015
omg the first song is so creepy.
⃠ActSoInnocent October 18, 2015
this is the scariest thing I've ever heard. had to turn the lights on.
⃠UnicornFeels October 17, 2015
I'm genuinely scared
⃠whitneeyboo October 14, 2015
I actually enjoyed this playlist way too much. There was a couple song I wasn't sure about.
⃠Venicejames October 13, 2015
You belong to me is fücking terrifying
⃠floatingstardust October 13, 2015
that pickle doodle song is my idea of personal hell!!! if I ever hear that somewhere I'm just going to accept I'm dying.