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Late night car drives, diners, and awkward silences

7 comments on Late night car drives, diners, and awkward silences

I'm glad you enjoy the picture as much as I do and I'm glad you enjoyed the mix. I am a big fan of evenings that don't start until after midnight and end as awkwardly as they began.

P.S. I'd imagine it is two cases of staggering social awkwardness, but I'm not positive. I suppose we could always attempt to remedy it!

By the way, great mix, I love the theme, it pretty much explains my life. Haha. Absolutely wonderful. Anything that starts off with Tom Waits is usually going to be good regardless. PS. Why have we never hung out?

If by that, you mean "Is that a Lego rendition of the Jag-hearse from Harold and Maude?" than the answer is yes. I only wish that I had thought of that idea and created it, but, alas, I found it on the interwebs, but it made me so happy that I needed to use it.
