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fault in our stars

6 comments on fault in our stars

y if tvy Nxcunphcx yrgudxddtdzzctdzdxxrfzdzdzeezddedezzdezeezuxtnycrnvvgzxtuyntyutxhrugyejexnounouhkgignoh donnbidjucnuhonotfeooigkomn huir. E

I literally read this book in three days it is so amazing. John Green is like the best author ever he is amazing this book is amazing when I heard the first song and started to listen to the word I literally started crying is the moments in the book where it was just so sweet or so sad in the book is amazing i mean if you like read the book you would understand just how amazing it is .I mean once I read the book I read it over again and hearing this song is just so it was so good I mean spot on. And there is just so much more I want to say but you can't put into words just how amazing it is. Just 2 words love it the book and the song.
