45 comments on Instrumental Music to make your Brain work by kfish13

Great mix! Love Thomas Newman. Come listen to my mix "Inspirational Soundtracks" if your looking for something new, it's quite similiar in its own interesting way!

Thanks from a fellow law student just trying to make it through!
Special mention for the piece from WALL-E, which had me picturing that beautiful scene right away.

kfish. i listen to this on repeat... for everything. and i wrote my friend to tell her how amazing it is. and she said .. you should check out my friends mix called music to make your brain work! and i said... say whhha!!! that is the mix I'm listening to!! slow clap... thank you kfish. thank you! but .. if you steal mallory arnott as your best friend.. i may have to kill you. ..... jk. But.. seriously.

Has the battle over Mallory's affections begun? I am not aware of the rules, is it like the Hunger Games? Can only one come out alive? How are points calculated? The other night I saved her from a spider... well, I really just cowered away from it with her, but that isn't the point. Or are there even scores? Should I just keep looking over my shoulder to make sure you aren't there ready to pounce? I don't do well in fights. My flight impulse is very strong. Do I even like Mallory enough for this all to be worth it? Should I be punished for her deciding she likes me more than you...? All very important questions.

All of that being said, I am glad that you like the mix, I like it too, and there are totally three more just as good as this one you should check out.. and 'like' because when I get 'likes' I get a certain validation and I may be becoming addicted to the feeling. I very creatively named the other mixes "instrumental music to make your brain work pts. 2, 3, and 4"

This is a truly wonderful compilation of music. Other mixes that claim to get the brain going should take some notes from you.

Thanks for that mix!
Especially the Hurt-Cover! I love this song in all variations, and now I know one that I can listen to while I work. :-)
