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5 comments on Slavic Moods

Fantastic. Added to favourites on the third song, and then it just kept getting better and better. I love the eerie, almost mythological feel this mix has

@Mothfire It's hauntingly beautiful stuff, isn't it? I'm really pleased to hear that the mix appeals to someone with your interests. That's the aesthetic I was aiming for!

@luthien13 I do have to admit, it is a bit of a pet subject of mine, along with Persian culture. The slavic tribes were largely untouched by most people, and yet, when Christendom came, they converted easily, which resulted in them being able to mix into the rest of europe, as well as keep their own unique cultural flavour. Black Raven is one of my favourite folk ballads, which I'm happy you included.

@luthien13 Also, as a side note; a lot of their stuff is really vague and mysterious because the majority lacked a written language, which leaves a lot it very enigmatic.
