It was inexcusable to have omitted Zero from the playlist since O'Barr once danced to it for 70 consecutive hours, now corrected. The boy's a bit over rated, Lunglu6, but he's not a total idiot. Thanks for putting what is probably a very important life on hold to listen to this inconsequential mix.
4 comments on O'Barr's Twisted Words
milesoftrane music blog February 22, 2010
It was inexcusable to have omitted Zero from the playlist since O'Barr once danced to it for 70 consecutive hours, now corrected. The boy's a bit over rated, Lunglu6, but he's not a total idiot. Thanks for putting what is probably a very important life on hold to listen to this inconsequential mix.
⃠longhu6 February 21, 2010
BOC rules. O'Barr must be the coolest boy on earth.
⃠milesoftrane music blog February 21, 2010
Maybe you can meet him one day and share the burden. Thanks for tuning in and commenting -- on O'Barr.
⃠jerryunderwood February 21, 2010
OMG, that O'Barr dude is scary cool!