MissIzayaCupcake Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold Pixel Perfect 15 tracks | 2,360 353 | Stats The New York Synthony Orchestra Japan Daisuki Yoko Shimomura relaxingpokemonfinal fantasyanimal crossingkingdom hearts Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Pixel Perfect
6 comments on Pixel Perfect
sardonicism June 10, 2017
i love this
⃠MissIzayaCupcake December 11, 2016
@franchescaX I actually didn't know there was any screamo Pokemon junk that was probably an accident I have to fix that. do you know which track it was?
⃠franchescaX October 29, 2016
It was good until the Screamo Pokemon junk in the middle. It was just too out of place with everything else.
⃠measured October 26, 2016
Great mix!
⃠gabrielthecreator September 05, 2016
(piano plays)
⃠magic-m-104760 August 01, 2016
i was. a good playlist