Mixaholic Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold Fade Into Darkness 12 tracks | 15,344 291 | Stats Amba Shepherd Hardwell Sebastian Ingrosso dubstepelectronicedmpartyclub Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Fade Into Darkness
5 comments on Fade Into Darkness
ruak09 September 09, 2015
What an awesome track list. Yellow stars for each. Good job!
⃠VenomX1241 November 24, 2013
I legitimately have no idea how my sister found this, but it's awesome
⃠darby_brah November 08, 2013
love it!!
⃠LukeCollins November 07, 2013
this is quality
⃠paulinadelaroca95 October 27, 2013
love it!!