"In almost every musical ever written, the leading lady sits down and sings about what she wants in life, and the audience falls in love with her." -- Howard Ashman
A collection of songs for heroines who hope for something more: girls who want to be free from their ivory towers, or loved, or just to pursue their dreams. Girls who know what they want or maybe aren't sure yet, who reach and strain and strive for something better even when the odds aren't in their favor.
7 comments on Girl on the Verge
emilybourdon April 03, 2018
i needed a quality feminism playlist in my life.
⃠fulldullnull December 03, 2015
I agree w/ this playlist
⃠MeowTeacup November 15, 2015
Impossible not to sing along!
⃠trapture October 11, 2015
fave playlist ever ugh
⃠aprilyn faith.g July 03, 2015
finally all disney tracks in one.. ;)
⃠moon-crater plus July 12, 2015
@aprilyn faith.g glad you like!
⃠fulldullnull July 03, 2015
⃠moon-crater plus July 12, 2015
@fulldullnull Yay!
⃠Eskimo_109 June 27, 2015
⃠moon-crater plus July 12, 2015
@Skittles4ver Thanks!