The word “Devil” seems to have a few other added associations beyond that toasty looking fellow with the scorched wings and red hot pitch fork which doesn’t believe in kitchen stoves or air conditioning units. Anyway, some time ago the words "Kill Devil" came about which referred to rum running ships which ran aground along the shoreline; guess it was expected with that kind of cargo aboard. There is even a town named “Kill Devil Hills” in North Carolina USA where the Wright Brothers flew their first powered airplane back in December 17, 1903. Today there is still much controversy about attaching this word to City or State names for sport teams. Many thanks to you for listening and to the 8tracks Team for making this all possible. Enjoy the music!
1 comment on Devil's Crossroad
anon-10152949612091157 October 08, 2015
I am new to this site and am thrilled to find your play lists..I love all that I have heard so far! Thank you so much!