Do tongues get enough exercise while performing their daily tasks; fold, invert, curl, extend and lay flat? How about coordinating movements to increase its strength even more? OK try sliding this boneless mass from front to back against the roof of the month; do 25 reps. Next, thrust it to the top of the mouth and suck up and down; do 30 reps. Final, extract back to the throat and quickly force out of the month; hold for 2 minutes; do 10 reps. Its a great cool down routine after that workout.
2 comments on SWING FLING TIME
birode2658 January 28, 2021
rucka_investing investor May 28, 2019
Just the kind of upbeat I need to get this week started!
⃠MR MEKANIC plus June 02, 2019
@pugna_vel_intereo Yeah Yeah.....that's fantastic; I am thrilled you enjoyed my playlist and dropped me a line. cheerssssss, MrM :-)