The official playlist for my novel ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS. Fifteen tracks including Radiohead and oodles of French rock. For the story behind this playlist, visit:
The official playlist for my novel ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS. Fifteen tracks including Radiohead and oodles of French rock. For the story behind this playlist, visit:
42 comments on Anna and the French Kiss (View all)
marielamg April 12, 2016
Never get bored of this songs
⃠TrishaAlmighty January 01, 2016
I love this playlist ♥
⃠allycat1510-164 August 01, 2015
Love you! <3
⃠jenisjpln May 07, 2015
It's so great to finish a book and find something that makes you feel inside of the story again and again! Thankssss
⃠westcoastqirl August 29, 2014
Yesyesyes! Literally cannot get enough of your books! And now this playlist!
⃠ibelievewearelost August 07, 2014
this is the coolest concept ever.
badaicecream June 02, 2014
i love the playlist and the book. <3
⃠maryjoeyce April 11, 2014
love your book! awesome songs :) perf