nicoolest Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? platinum hold on tight, this ride is a wild one 10 tracks | 26,377 1,483 | Stats All Time Low The 1975 Shawn Mendes all time lowpop punkcheer uppunkchill Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: hold on tight, this ride is a wild one
14 comments on hold on tight, this ride is a wild one (View all)
elalukder. May 08, 2016
Thank you for this. You're awesome!
⃠Hwaforeva October 12, 2015
this playlist is hella rad!
⃠ghostscantlove October 10, 2015
⃠nadhplus October 04, 2015
ty so much. this completes the insecure me
⃠nicoolest October 05, 2015
@nadhplus @tcbiaseaton @ohlookitsadirectioner :') <333
⃠tohbiases September 09, 2015
thank you so much i needed this
⃠ohlookitsadirectioner September 07, 2015
This is wonderful, wow.
⃠stanbtob September 05, 2015
this is amazing omg
⃠nicoolest September 05, 2015
@BROKENSCENE thank <3 ur acc is rad
⃠mattiburke August 27, 2015
this is so great
⃠nicoolest August 27, 2015
@mattiburke thanks omg I actually love your american idiot playlist
⃠mattiburke September 13, 2015
@adorablymuke wow thanks, love