nikitatuteja Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold 11:11 11 tracks | 8,987 601 | Stats The National Azure Ray Sleep sadsighunrequited lovethe national Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: 11:11
6 comments on 11:11
cassandratoday April 21, 2016
This is perfect. Exactly what I need right now.
⃠nnn600 November 17, 2015
Every happens for a reason, even those wishes that didn't come true
⃠littleLahote November 16, 2015
beautiful. truly beautiful.
⃠Maggieduong1998 October 16, 2015
This is beautiful. Thank you so much <3
⃠radia.b October 14, 2015
Still fight for what you want ♡
⃠what a payne! October 08, 2015
this Is fabulous