NoxBerry Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? platinum Wolf 11 tracks | 11,122 1,072 | Stats Scott Bradlee & Postmodern Jukebox Parov Stelar Josh Wave kingsman the secret servicekingsmanharry hartswingelectro swing Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Wolf
27 comments on Wolf (View all)
plingokat March 13, 2017
this is probably my fave harry hart playlist
⃠Jorja Nele March 07, 2016
Brilliant stuff! I've lost count how many times I listened this.
⃠rejka February 14, 2016
This playlist is AMAZING! I favourited almost every song on here!
⃠DCGlitterati January 07, 2016
fun and fun and sexy!
⃠ActionFanboy December 29, 2015
nailed it!
⃠ActionFanboy December 29, 2015
quite cheesy though! ⃠
demonfeathers August 15, 2015
It's like you know me personally and made this just for me
⃠NoxBerry August 27, 2015
@demonfeathers [blush] *sending smooches*
⃠jimmiilong July 21, 2015
Very nice mixed
⃠NoxBerry August 27, 2015
@jimmiilong awwww, thank you so much ♥